A Christian Believer’s Guide: Top 4 Most Valuable Christian Relics

A Christian Believer’s Guide: Top 4 Most Valuable Christian Relics

Christianity is a long-standing religion with millions of followers across the globe. Throughout two millennia of its existence, Christianity has witnessed many vital historical events, with the remnants of venerated saints and sacred locations getting the status of cherished Christian relics. Here are the top four most valuable Christian relics that the Christian community cherishes above all.

Shroud of Turin

This is probably the most enigmatic and cherished Christian relic for the global community of Christians. The burial shroud into which Jesus Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion bears the strikingly clear print of his face and body. The relic was held in Turin until the 16th century when it was passed to the Vatican for custody. At present, Christian believers don’t have direct access to the Shroud of Turin, as the Vatican authorities arrange its public displays on rare occasions.

Scourging Pillars of Saints Peter and Paul

The Scourging Pillars are another Christian relic located in Rome; they are placed on each side of the altar at Santa Maria in Traspontina. According to Christian writings, St. Paul and St. Peter were bound to these pillars and further subjected to scourging, after which they were murdered.

Jesus’s Crown of Thorns

The Cathedral of Notre Dame enjoys much fame across the world, and one of the sources of this popularity is its possession of several key relics from Jesus’ passion. One of them is the Crown of Thorns that was placed on Christ’s head on the day of crucifixion to intensify his suffering. The crown has been in the cathedral’s custody for over 16 centuries, though there is no unanimity about its authenticity.

Burial Slab of Jesus Christ

This unique Christian relic is held in Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is covered by mystery and legends. According to Christian writings, St. Helen found Jesus’ cross in that church, so the location is currently considered a venerated place of his crucifixion. Christian believers from all over the world flock to this site in the Holy Land to join Christmas masses and festivities.

Where to Find the Most Valuable Christian Relics?

As you can see from the list presented above, the most valuable Christian relics are scattered across the world and belong to different locations, some related to the place of Jesus Christ’s life and activities and others originating through the intricate turns of history. Europe, and especially the Vatican, hosts many unique Christian relics, so we recommend starting your Christian pilgrimage from these locations.