Top 3 Famous Christian Art Pieces for True Believers

Top 3 Famous Christian Art Pieces for True Believers

Since the dusk of Christianity, people have been trying to visualize key religious figures and events described in the Bible. That’s why there are plenty of famous Christian art objects across the globe, created in various historical periods. Here, we review the top 3 pieces every Christian believer and art connoisseur should know.

Top 3 Famous Christian Art Pieces You Should Know

Christian art heritage is rich and diverse, but several works of art stand apart from the crowd due to their religious and artistic significance.

Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”

“The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci (featured image) is indeed a monumental, one-of-a-kind artwork surrounded by lots of legends and mysteries. Created around 1495-1498, it takes a unique place in the Christian art legacy. The huge mural painting (181 by 346 inches) is currently located in the refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. It presents da Vinci’s vision of Jesus Christ’s last supper with his apostles, at which he announces that one of them will soon betray him. The artwork has become globally famous for the masterful depiction of complex human emotions expressed by every disciple upon finding out about the upcoming tragedy.

Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam”

This fresco is also one of the first artworks that come to one’s mind when discussing famous Christian art. Painted around 1512 by another Renaissance genius, Michelangelo, the masterpiece decorates the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. It was a revolutionary artwork for the beginning of the 16th century, as it illustrated the main event of Genesis – the creation of man. The fine details of the painting reflect the grandeur and beauty of the moment when God created man and gave him life.

Top 3 Famous Christian Art Pieces for True Believers

Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son”

Rembrandt, one of the top-famous Dutch painters of the 17th century, was known for his unique visual language and style. His “The Return of the Prodigal Son” takes one of the leading places in the world’s Christian art heritage. The painting was created around 1661-1669, in the painter’s final years of life, and is currently held at the Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg. Many experts regard this work as Rembrandt’s peak power of realism and rich expression, especially in terms of depicting mercy.

Top 3 Famous Christian Art Pieces for True Believers

Interested in other notable pieces of Christian art? Read more about Christian paintings and world-famous depictions of Jesus Christ and other prominent religious figures on our blog.