Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

The Western community of art connoisseurs received access to authentic Japanese art only at the end of the 19th century thanks to the progressive effort of Sadajiro Yamanaka. Today, things have changed dramatically, and we can admire original works by Japanese artists at many museums and galleries in the Western hemisphere. JD Malat Gallery is one of the artistic hubs that fosters intercultural dialogue and welcomes artists from all corners of the globe to let Londoners embrace international art in all its versatility. Among the upcoming not-to-miss events is Masayoshi Nojo’s solo exhibition that will open at the gallery next week.

Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

About Masayoshi Nojo

Born in 1989 in Kanagawa, Masayoshi Nojo is a Japanese artist famous for his unique artistic concepts and methods. A graduate of the Kyoto University of Art and Design, Nojo became fascinated with the use of silver in his visual language and focused on the recreation of scenes from the natural world. The artist’s signature style is reminiscent of the iconic visual motifs used by the famous Edo Period artist Ogata Kōrin. His philosophical emphasis is on the exploration of the intricate connection between visual images and the flow of human memories and time.

Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

Masayoshi Nojo’s art is distinguished by the combination of traditional Japanese esthetics and groundbreaking artistic techniques. His mixed-media works are created as a unique blend of marbled acrylic paint layers and silver and aluminum foil. The artist first photographs natural images and then transfers them onto canvas using the silk-screening technology, further adding layers of foil and paint to produce a unique esthetic effect. As a result of engaging with Nojo’s art, viewers are expected to recollect distant memories or feel the transient feelings and experiences rising from the subconscious.

Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

The upcoming solo exhibition of Masayoshi Nojo at JD Malat Gallery is titled “Rest in Silver,” which reflects the artist’s fascination with the ethereal nature of silver and its extensive use in the creative process. Among the highlights are Nojo’s well-known three-dimensional landscapes with shifting tones from his “Fricker” series and his latest “Mirage” series, which offers an in-depth exploration of the intricacies of human memory and the uncontrollable essence of natural elements.

Rest in Silver: Masayoshi Nojo’s Solo Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery

JD Malat Gallery is a great venue to embrace the heartbeat of contemporary art and get acquainted with Japanese art in particular. Masayoshi Nojo’s solo exhibition starts on September 12 and will be on display at the gallery’s location in Mayfair, London, until October 5, 2024.

Photo courtesy of JD Malat Gallery