5 Distinguishing Characteristics of Italian Interior Design

5 Distinguishing Characteristics of Italian Interior Design

Italy has always been home to designers and architects of exquisite taste. Italian masters have proven to be out-and-out professionals who know how to create the ideal balance of beauty of practicality of the space. That is why when it comes to home décor, Italian interior design is, and will always be, in fashion. To make sure that such type of design will satisfy your needs and fit your home, below you will find five fundamental features of Italian style, which you should bear in mind when making a choice.

5 Distinguishing Characteristics of Italian Interior Design

5 distinguishing characteristics of Italian interior design

1. Colors of Italy

The first thing that makes Italian interior design stand out is a singular color palette. Sienna, a yellow-brown color, is the key element for the décor of any room, be it a kitchen or bedroom. Italians prefer more neutral colors to strong ones.

2. Smart lighting

With smart lighting techniques, even mild colors will become a valuable addition to your room. A big and elaborate chandelier would be very much relevant in this situation.

3. Natural materials

Earthy tones might transform the space into a homely environment where you feel totally cozy and safe. To reach such a balance, Italian masters opt for natural materials such as wood and stone instead of plastic ones.

4. Open spaces

Italian interior design is often synonymous with the word “spacious” since the designers always try to provide as much room as required.

5. The blend of old and new

Another distinguishing characteristic of Italian design is the combination of old and modern styles, which altogether gives a feeling as if you are standing in the borderland between contemporary design and vintage art.

Now you know what makes Italian style a sound idea to go for. If you try to come up with a new design for your home, be sure to include these ideas on your list!