Fine Art Shippers Celebrates the 2nd Year of Its Partnership with the PMA

Fine Art Shippers Celebrates the 2nd Year of Its Partnership with the PMA

This September, Fine Art Shippers announced the prolongation of its collaboration with the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA) in the status of the Museum’s Corporate Partner. The art logistics company is happy to continue contributing to the wide array of the PMA’s art promotion, heritage conservation, and community education programs and initiatives in this role.

About the Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is a historical, architectural, and art milestone of the city of Philadelphia. It is located at the top of the world-famous “Rocky Steps” that everyone who ever watched Rocky will easily recognize. The grand Beaux-Arts building with monumental columns is a city landmark worth visiting for everyone.

The PMA has a vast collection of over 200,000 artworks carefully compiled from many countries and representing a long list of art periods, trends, and techniques. Its period rooms help visitors obtain a lasting impression of specific historical epochs (e.g., Medieval art, Renaissance art, and Modern art). Besides exclusive pieces by Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh, the Museum has a rich collection of cultural and historical artifacts, ranging from armor to tapestry to sculptures. At the PMA, you can also get acquainted with many items of American colonial art and the Japanese tea ceremony culture.

The PMA Corporate Partner Program

The PMA has a well-established Corporate Partner program that opens its doors to a variety of businesses and non-profit organizations wishing to contribute to its activities. The entity receiving the status of a Corporate Partner invests funds and resources in the promotion of art dissemination to diverse audiences, the local community’s art education, and important heritage conservation efforts that help the PMA conserve its assets and prolong their shelf lives.

In return for the investment in the socially meaningful and relevant activities of the PMA, Corporate Partners also receive a variety of appealing benefits, such as early access to exhibitions, ticket discounts, exclusive art event participation offers, and unique business branding in the format of art philanthropy.

About Fine Art Shippers

Fine Art Shippers is an NYC-based art logistics company that specializes in art packaging, art transportation, art storage, and art installation. The company has been in the market for almost three decades, delivering end-to-end assistance to art owners and partnering with many museums, galleries, auction houses, private collectors, and artists to introduce safety and delicacy in the art shipping processes. Fine Art Shippers also provides exclusive art delivery services and caters to broad geographies of art dealers and owners with its cross-country art shuttle service.