Simple Tips on How to Create a Catchy Art Blog

Art blog

What is the power of art? It can convey the emotions and thoughts of an author without words. You can use social media in the same way by posting your artwork and waiting for the public’s attention. If you’re an emerging artist, you’ll want to start your art blog to increase your exposure. It can be a great help to build interest and make money. Below you will find some helpful and simple tips.

Simple tips on how to create a catchy art blog

1. Choose a blogging platform

Decide on the most appropriate online platform for your art. You can use Instagram as a visual gallery of your works. Here you can showcase your progress, attract fans, promote your brand name, and even find clients.

2. Make a basic content plan

It’s good if you make a content plan and stick to it. Don’t be super intrusive by posting more than once per day. Moreover, it is not necessary to publish a new piece every time. You can show your work process, art studio, or share some sketches.

3. Add captions to pictures

Don’t turn your art blog into a dead-inside catalog. Capturing your photos creates an atmosphere of real communication. You can also add text to your posts in other languages. People respond more actively to posts with a real author behind them.

4. Interact with other artists

Subscribe to your peers’ accounts, like and comment on their posts. Someone will notice you and check out your profile. It’s one of the free ways to promote your creative business.

5. Use hashtags

Always use the right tags for your post to make it findable on social media. For example, Instagram allows you to add 30 tags under one post. Here are some popular tags for artists: #artist, #oilpainting, #paintings, #art, #image, #gallery, #picture, #painting.

Follow these simple tips to make your art blog meaningful and catchy!