5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

Fashion is subject to change. As the new style rules emerge, old ones take a back seat and eventually disappear. However, this is not how it always happens. Usually, outdated fashion trends live too long and hence become firmly encoded in the culture, which then produces common stereotypes harming millions of people. If you want to look beautiful, but you are scared of all those restrictions, here are the five most common fashion rules that should be broken by any means.

5 obsolete fashion rules that should be broken

5. Tall women wearing heels

This rule stems from the stereotypic idea that being tall is not feminine. In fact, the taller you are, the more gracious you look in heels. Do not be afraid to wear your stiletto heels if you are of above-average height.

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

4. Menswear is only for men, and vice versa

Do you love attire designed for women, but you are a man, or vice versa? It actually happens all the time. Much of today’s clothing is unisex, so do not let obsolete fashion rules decide for you — it is you who choose.

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

3. Socks and sandals

Awkward as such a combination may seem, socks and sandals are completely normal. Moreover, they look effective and gorgeous with denim jeans or some summer shorts.

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

2. Activewear is only for the gym

Have you heard of athleisure? It is when activewear meets high fashion. According to the new movement, all kinds of sportswear (yoga, pants, sneakers, etc.) should be accepted and encouraged in everyday fashion. It is healthy and aesthetic.

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

1. Gold and silver

There is no particular reason why matching gold and silver is wrong. Whether it comes to rings or bracelets, you can easily layer gold and silver accessories and look natural.

5 Obsolete Fashion Rules That Should Be Broken

Do not let fashion rules limit your right to self-realization! You are beautiful, and nothing should stop you from showing it to the whole world. Down with outdated rules! Bring a new order into your life!