Heartfelt Wishes from 300Magazine on This Thanksgiving Day!

Heartfelt Wishes from 300Magazine on This Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving is a day filled with happiness and gratitude. 300Magazine is pleased to celebrate this important national holiday with you. We wholeheartedly hope you have an amazing time eating delicious food, enjoying the company of your close friends and family, and restoring your mental and physical energy. In case you are based in New York, just like we are, and looking for something fun to do on the weekend, we have prepared a list of activities that will get you into the holiday spirit.

Fun Things to Do on Thanksgiving in New York City

Watch the Macy’s Parade

All New Yorkers know there is no such thing as Thanksgiving without the Macy’s Parade. Attending this annual pageant is a perfect way to celebrate the joyous occasion with your loved ones. Besides, the parade is always broadcast on TV, so you can enjoy it together with those who are far away.

Visit the holiday markets

If you are not a Black Friday-hectic-shopping kind of person, you can always get your fix of cozy, festive fun by walking through the NYC holiday markets. There, you can support local businesses and purchase unique gifts for yourself and the people you love. Grab a hot cup of your favorite drink and enjoy a calm and hassle-free shopping experience.

Go ice skating

Winter is approaching, and New York is already filled with season-appropriate activities for all ages. Ice skating at the Rink at Rockefeller Center or Central Park will cheer up anyone who has not entered the festive mindset just yet. Put on your warmest clothes and head out!

Enjoy a hearty meal

No need to spend all your time cooking up a feast. New York’s best restaurants are open for customers who want to celebrate the holidays without worrying about the dishes afterward. New York has plenty of various cuisine options, so go ahead and treat yourself to something unusual.

Visit the Children’s Museum of Manhattan

The Children’s Museum of Manhattan is hosting exciting events for the whole family during the weekend. If you want to make some amazing memories with your children or younger relatives, you should definitely pay the Museum a visit. Besides, you can give back to the community by donating money or toys to the Holiday Gift Drive fund.

300Magazine is grateful to our readers, partners, and every talented contemporary artist with whom we had the honor of collaborating this year. We wish you a day filled with love, kindness, and warmth. Happy Thanksgiving!