Karolina Yakhnina Creates Art at the Intersection of Mediums
Art has never been subject to standards. Once something becomes traditional, conventional, and common, there are always revolutionizing and “wild” things that go after it and break or fundamentally change the establishment by laying a path to new heights. The history of art is full of such cycles, so we shouldn’t fear the fact that one day contemporary artists and their creations will become the legacy of the past. What we should do instead is praise those who put the effort into making the understanding of aesthetics wider and richer. Karolina Yakhnina is one such contemporary artist. She creates art at the intersection of different mediums that connect the past, present, and future.
Karolina Yakhnina Creates Art at the Intersection of Mediums
Karolina Yakhnina is a contemporary artist who lives and works in St. Petersburg. She discovered her passion for art at the age of three when she drew her first picture. After many years of assiduous work, the artist mastered her painting skills and found the golden mean between meaning and technique in her art.
The striving for novelty and a more elaborate visual experience was not powered by enthusiasm only. Karolina Yakhnina studied art at the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts. After graduation, she entered the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov and earned an M.F.A. in Painting/Monumental Art.
Karolina Yakhnina calls herself a “free artist,” which is a symbolic reference to her approaches to mediums and her understanding of an artist’s role within the frames of the social structure. Being free is to transform static aesthetics into dynamic power. The challenge is not to stick to one favorite genre but to extend the borders of creativity and work at the intersection of mediums. As of today, the artist combines painting, sculpture, and architecture; together, it is called “Monumental Design Decoration of Architecture.” However, it is not the limit when it comes to art materials. Such media as metal, wood, acrylic, oil, stone, glass, ink, and cement are also involved. At the same time, the creator doesn’t say ‘no’ to modern materials, including transparent wood, cosmic paints, and bioplastic, among others.
By creating art that keeps up with time, Karolina Yakhnina makes the future closer. It is part of the change that is inevitable in the days to come. Her works can be found in private collections and museums in Russia, China, Europe, and the US. Visit Karolina’s Instagram page to find out more about the artist.