ACK in Kyoto: An Example of True Asian Moderation and Elegance

ACK in Kyoto: An Example of True Asian Moderation and Elegance

Unlike the over-stimulating and frenetic exhibitions and art shows in Europe and the USA, Asian art events are distinguished with a much more moderate approach. The recent Art Collaboration Kyoto (ACK) – the third edition of the Asian version of an international art fair – has just ended in the capital of Japanese culture and authenticity. Here are a few highlights that visitors of ACK in Kyoto have noted among their impressions.

Unique Features of ACK

ACK in Kyoto has many unique twists and features, distinguishing it from other international art fairs and shows. First, it is the philosophy of international collaboration deep at the heart of the ACK concept.

Each Japanese host gallery shares a booth with an international collaborator of their choosing; last year, ACK hosted 64 galleries located in a total of 35 booths. This year, 27 Japanese galleries and 26 international galleries filled the Gallery Collaborations section to familiarize the attendees with original art fusions.

Kyoto also received the attention of Japanese artists and became the focus of 11 presentations during the art show. The event’s physical space doubled this year compared to the 2022 edition, as the organizers wanted to give visitors a less crowded and more contemplative attendance experience.

The Art Fair’s Lineup

The 2023 edition of ACK in Kyoto welcomed 33 new participants, from individual rising artists to international galleries. The most interesting newcomers are:

  • Flower Gallery
  • Karma
  • Mendes Wood DM
  • 47 Canal
  • Almine Rech, and more.

Attendees specifically noted the high-impact installation in the circular theme presented by the Taiwanese art gallery TKG+, which was performed in a booth shared with the Japanese gallery ShugoArts. However, what this year’s visitors missed was the outdoor installation component. It raised much interest and was found highly appealing in 2022.

Why Visit ACK in Kyoto Next Year?

Without a doubt, ACK in Kyoto is growing into a significant art event of regional and international significance, with many hopes and expectations on the part of the global art community. Art dealers and private collectors can find real pearls in the ACK booths, unifying artists from Asia and other parts of the world and giving a different, meditative outlook on exquisite art. Besides a reasonable potential for selling artwork, many participants point out the collaborative spirit of ACK and the ability to connect with artists and art businesses they would have never known otherwise because of the language barriers. That’s why ACK is a vital part of the art fair world and can be expected to grow in outreach and financial impact in the coming years.