This May, Nel is presenting a new immersive exhibition titled Wagkamer / Indlu yokulinda / Waiting Room, which tackles the theme of waiting and spaces that we build to accommodate this inevitable part of the human condition. The group exhibition will open to the public on June 1, featuring various iterations of art that could be found on the walls of rooms that are typically dull and empty.
Tag Archives: Art
Any artist will tell you that creating an artwork is a process of trial and error. Making mistakes and reusing materials is something even famous artists like de Goya, Picasso, and Van Gogh did. Fortunately, thanks to modern-day technology, we can follow the path they went through when creating their masterpieces.
It would be fair to suggest that each art movement is not only a product but also a reflection of the time and culture it came from. That is the reason why looking at different forgotten art movements that emerged around the world is so interesting — it almost feels like catching a glimpse of some long-forgotten parts of human history.
Image Upscaler, a Ukrainian company providing various AI tools for editing, invites you to try their brand-new software that will allow you to add an animation-like effect on videos of real people and animals. Keep reading to learn more about AI Video Cartoonizer by Image Upscaler and how you can use it to create unique and engaging content.
Pieces by certain emerging artists can be just as valuable as works by acclaimed blue-chip artists. Experts in the field can make predictions as to which new talents will be stealing the stage next. Take a look at these artists who are currently at the beginning of their careers but have already been deemed promising by professional art curators and appraisers.
Art therapy has been around for nearly a century. Since the first time this method was coined in the 1940s, it has proven its usefulness and secured its place as a legitimate scientifically based practice. Today, finding a professional art therapist is not difficult. This therapeutic tool has gained popularity in the past few decades, in many ways due to its characteristics that make it more diverse and flexible in comparison to other types of treatment.
For centuries, the art world was a closed community that was only accessible to wealthy people. This belief goes back to the times when royalty and nobility had their portraits painted as a symbol of social status. The current art market features work that can be priced up to hundreds of millions of dollars, and some people are willing to pay that money.
What if there is more to Bauhaus than just efficiency and simplicity? Turns out, this movement that outlived its opponents and forever changed architecture, design, and art has an exciting and rebellious history.