Andrii Chumachenko created an NFT artwork titled “Trinity Ethereum” to support Ukraine resisting the Russian invasion. According to the contemporary Ukrainian artist, the piece relates to every person equally, no matter whether you are an atheist or theist.
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On June 2, Cape Town’s art gallery Nel presented a new exhibition titled “Echoes of My Mind” by Luxolo Witvoet. Using cartoon-style artworks, the South African artist recreates reality and uses memory as a source of reference.
Art Basel 2022 promises to be a hell of a fair that will certainly shake the art world with its incredible presentations. Recently, organizers of the show have dropped some information regarding the most dazzling highlights of the most anticipated art fair of the year. Let’s take a closer look!
On April 20, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Museum of Russian Art opened a group art exhibition dedicated to fascinating political cartoons by talented artists. As stated on the official page of the museum, the event will be on view until the end of the war.
If you are a big fan of collecting unique art and antiques or pieces of designer furniture, the next Showplace estate auction is just what the doctor ordered. The famous regular auction will traditionally be held in the Flatiron neighborhood on April 24.
Fine Art Shippers, the well-known art logistics company from New York, has announced that it will have an art shuttle Los Angeles – Denver – New York on April 22. It will be a part of a bigger cross-country art shuttle and cover such states as California, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas.
On March 28, the NYC-based Aux Gallery launched an art fundraiser named “Conflict” to raise money and donate it to Ukraine relief efforts. You might want to join!
Recently, Ukraine has launched the NFT museum that will fight Russia’s disinformation and help the country fund the war effort. How did NFTs become the war resources, and why does it matter?